Survey: Calaveras Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan
Calaveras County is in the process of developing its first Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan (GHGRP), and the County wants to hear from you! The following survey outlines draft measures that the County is considering including in the GHGRP. These measures are separated by sector: Energy, Transportation, Solid Waste, Water and Wastewater, Agriculture, Wildfire, and Carbon Sequestration.
Please provide feedback on as many measures as you can. The survey lists the proposed GHG reduction measures and asks if one opposes or supports each measure on a scale of 1 to 5. 5 indicates the most support. We want to encourage people to be as supportive as they can of the measures!
You can watch a pre-recorded presentation about the GHGRP below. This survey will close on Friday, August 5th.
For additional details on each measure idea, please visit this spreadsheet PDF: