Comment Letters, Opinions, Press Releases from EPFW SERAL 2.0 DEIR Comments EPFW is grateful for the Stanislaus National Forest’s efforts to return fire to the landscape and restore wildfire resiliency to our forests. While we do understand that the more controversial aspects of the project proposal will be in a subsequent decision, we are still using this opportunity to provide feedback. Read the Comments Here Green Fork THP Green Fork THP consists of a 276-acre timber harvest which includes 238 acres of clearcuts. The post- harvest stocking for clearcut lands consist of and even-aged management with a 125-point count within 5-year post-harvest. The harvest area is located approximately two miles north of the community of White Pines and two miles northwest of Calaveras Big Trees State Park. Read the comments here Hanging Schaad THP Hanging Schaad THP consists of a 557-acre timber harvest which includes 460 acres of clearcuts and 66 acres of firebreaks. The post-harvest stocking for clearcut lands consist of even-aged management with a 125-point count within 5-years post-harvest. The harvest area is located approximately nine miles east of the town of Wilseyville. Read the comments here SERAL 2.0 Project While EPFW supports a landscape scale approach to forest management, we have significant concerns about some aspects of the SERAL 2.0 proposal.We request elimination of herbicide use from the project. The DBH limit for removal of any and all trees above 7000 feet should not exceed 24”. Read the full comments here EPFW Biogas Resolution “It is hereby resolved that EPFW approves of the use of community based gasification plants as an acceptable method of disposing of locally sourced green waste. It is further resolved that EPFW opposes the use of “Conventional Biomass” from any forests of the Sierra Nevada, as it is being used in eastern United States forests and as currently proposed by Golden State Natural Resources (GSNR) for a plant in Jamestown, CA. “ Read the resolution here