EPFW Annual Picnic

We are happy to announce that there will be an annual picnic this year at the Lions Grove Picnic Area at White Pines Park. The picnic is scheduled for Sunday June 26, 2022 from 2-5pm.

We will provide beef and veggie burgers, tea and lemonade, and place settings. Please bring a salad, side dish, or dessert to share. Anyone interested in helping with set up, clean up, speaking, or playing some music, please contact us by email at EPFW@goldrush.com.

Though this is an off year for Board elections, we welcome anyone to let us know if you are interested in serving on the Board or volunteering. All EPFW members, family members, and friends of EPFW are welcome!

Please RSVP to EPFW@goldrush.com if you plan to attend and let us know:

___number attending

___number of hamburgers

___number of veggie burgers

Hope to see you there!

The Board of EPFW


EPFW Picnic Recap


Ebbetts Pass Forest Watch comments on South Soap Timber Harvest Plan