Protect. Promote. Restore.
Isn’t it time we stop clearcutting California and return to responsible logging methods?
The mission of Ebbetts Pass Forest Watch is to protect, promote, and restore healthy forests and watersheds to maintain the quality of life in the Sierra Nevada. Ebbetts Pass Forest Watch supports responsible forest management and logging methods.
Upcoming events
Annual Picnic
6.15.24 5PM
Join us for our annual picnic! Enjoy free burgers (vegetarian options too) and drinks, and bring a side or dessert to share. We will also be screening the brand new locally-produced film “Between Two Rivers” which explores the lives of the Stanislaus and Tuolumne Rivers, intertwined with experiences of people between them.Celebrate the beauty of Ebbetts Pass with us.
Inviting Beavers Back
5.16.24 630 PM
Join us May 16th to hear about beavers and more from Calaveras-raised Dr. Kramer. After her presentation, we’ll be showing a documentary film Beaver Believers, followed by an opportunity for discussion.
Clearcutting isn’t the answer.
Sierra Pacific Industries (SPI), the single largest landowner in California with 1.7 million acres, is planning to clearcut or near clearcut and convert approximately 1.2 million acres from natural forests into tree plantations. Clearcutting and forest conversion is underway. In Calaveras County alone, SPI owns approximately 48% of the forested property above the 3,500-foot elevation. SPI has filed documents showing it intends to clearcut two-thirds of this forest.
Ready to make a difference?
This is a movement of everyday people. Whether you’re most comfortable contributing time to help achieve our advocacy goals, money to help us grow, or energy to put political pressure on our government agencies to change, we need you on our team.